Call the police immediately and report a vandalism in progress. Make a mental note of as many details as possible about the perpetrators including how many, what age, male or female, and any distinctive clothing that will help the police identify them.
It’s important to look out for each other in your neighborhood, and one way of doing this is to notify both your neighbors and board members about any graffiti you see or vandals you observe.
Record when and where it appeared, when it was removed, the cost and other relevant information. Share your documentation with the police and insurance agent.
"Taggers" gain more notoriety the longer the graffiti remains. Removing it quickly sends a message that you care about your Association community.
This is just one example of a way to deter vandals. They will be less tempted to vandalize if they can easily be seen. You could also consider taking it a step further and installing a video surveillance system, but be sure to check the CC&Rs before doing so.
This will help discourage vandals because access to appealing areas isn’t as easy. You can also consider planting hedges near and around walls. Anything to cover up the “canvas” that would look enticing to a vandal.
This will make cleaning future graffiti much easier in problem areas where graffiti reappears regularly.
Working together to help clean up graffiti and deter vandals in your homeowners association can help reduce the high volume of incidents and problems in your community.
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