For those of you homeowners who were unaware, CC&Rs play a crucial role in keeping your Association running smoothly. CC&Rs are legally binding rules and regulations that each homeowner agrees to when he or she purchases a unit within the Association. If owners rent out their homes, it is the owner’s responsibility to inform the new residents of the CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations. This responsibility is usually stipulated in the homeowners association's governing documents.
CC&Rs include stipulations on assessments, building design and additions, use restrictions, and the governance of the Association. It is very important that all residents understand these CC&Rs so they don’t unintentionally violate them; owners can be fined by the Association and—in extreme cases—sued for violating the CC&Rs. Owners are empowered when they understand the CC&Rs and the procedures for changing or amending them when they are no longer applicable or relevant to the community.
If you don’t have a copy of the CC&Rs, please call your Association's property manager or get in contact with a current board member. CC&Rs are provided at the time that you buy your home. The association will also provide updated copies to members if any changes have been made them.
While they may seem arbitrary, the CC&Rs are legally enforceable. They also help ensure the homeowners association as a whole can thrive, and that members are treated fairly and equally. The CC&Rs outline how the Association lives together and operates. So don’t be left in the dark— it’s your responsibility to check the CC&Rs in your homeowners association today!
The Process of Changing the CC&Rs in a Homeowners Association
Are the Homeowners Association Rules Reasonable in Your Community?
5 Procedures When Reviewing Homeowners Association Documents