Having security or patrols present in a community can help promote a sense of safety and a common feeling of unity. We all have families, loved ones and priceless possessions to protect. To what extent is the association responsible for providing HOA security?
If your Governing Documents don’t clearly state if you are able to have security, either privately or by having the city patrol and having the association fund it, it is in the board’s best interest to consult their attorney for guidance. They may recommend going out to a vote of the membership. If the board chooses this route, ballots must remain in a secure place and unopened until the official vote-counting meeting. No person, including a member of the association or an employee of the management company, may open or otherwise review any ballot prior to the time and place at which the ballots are counted and tabulated.
In California, an association can lawfully install a video surveillance camera in all common areas of the development so long as it is not installed in an area or viewing an area where someone may have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as a restroom, locker room, or where the camera may record the interior of a homeowner’s unit.
Posting Signs: There is no law requiring an association (or anyone who posts video surveillance cameras in public spaces) to post signs, give notice or to obtain prior consent to film areas where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. However, posting signs informing homeowners and other persons that the area is under surveillance may help increase the cameras’ deterrent effects and lower the likelihood of a claim that a person had a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Boards need to be aware of the safety and security of the association and try to do what they can in the best interest of the community. On occasion the safety of members can be compromised. Keep in mind that this may still happen even if all measures have been put in place. Consult your attorney and do your due diligence when is comes to HOA security.